Arm Lift

Arm lift is also called “Brachioplasty”. Arm Lift in Dubai & Abu Dhabi is a surgical procedure that will help you in augmenting the appearance of your upper arms, by removing sagginess or extra fat and also will improve the contours of your arms.


Following are the aims of Arm Lift:

  1. It will help you in reducing your excessive arms skin.
  2. It will help you in enhancing the definition of your arms muscle.
  3. It will help you in removing the localized fat deposits on your arms.
  4. It will help you in tightening the underlying supportive tissues of your arms.

If you want to safely Skin tighten, contour your arms or want to permanently get rid of your sagging arms skin with natural, safe and long lasting results at an affordable price without suffering from side effects, botched results and post-procedural complications then you can consider Hand Lift Surgery.

Best Candidates:

If you want to undergo Arm lift, then you have to make sure whether you are a good candidate or not:

  • If you have excessive skin hanging from your arms.
  • If you have extra fat deposits on your arms.
  • If your weight is normal and stable.
  • If you are mentally and physically healthy.
  • If you are committed to adopt a healthy diet and lifestyle.
  • If you have realistic expectations regarding the results of this procedure.

Techniques we are Used:

The Arm Lift in Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah, can be performed by following 03 techniques:

  1. Liposuction
  2. Minimal Incision Arm Lift Procedure
  3. Full Arm Lift Surgery

1.  Liposuction:

The surgeon will perform the procedure of Liposuction, if you have extra fat deposits on your arms.

2.  Minimal Incision Arm Lift Procedure:

  • The surgeon will perform the minimal incision this procedure, if you have small amount of excessive skin near your armpits.
  • During minimal incision arm lift procedure, he will make the incisions in your underarm extending to right just above your elbow.

3.  Full Arm Lift Surgery:

  • The surgeon will perform the full Arm Lift surgery, if you have excess sagging skin on your whole arm.
  • During full arm lift procedure, he will make the incisions from your elbows to the armpits and on the side of your chest.

Post-Operative Care instructions:

After undergoing the Arm Lift or Brachioplasty, the surgeon will guide you to properly follow these post-operative care instructions:

  1. You will have to regularly take the prescribed medicines, as per the surgeon’s instructions.
  2. You will have to avoid exertion and strenuous tasks or workouts for few days, after undergoing this procedure.
  3. You will have to elevate your arms on pillows while resting, it would help you in reducing the pain and swelling.
  4. You will have to take care of incision sites on your arms.
  5. You will have to wear the compression garment for the recommended time period, after undergoing the Brachioplasty.
  6. You will have to keep your arms or treated areas dry, for the recommended time period after undergoing the arm lift surgery.

Procedure is performed?

Following are the procedural steps, involved in the Arm Lift in Dubai & Abu Dhabi & Sharjah:

  1. First of all, the surgeon will administer local or general anesthesia to your arms.
  2. Then he will make small incisions on the inside or the back side of your arm.
  3. The surgeon will remove all the excessive fat from your arms.
  4. Then he will tighten and trim your extra arm skin.
  5. In the end, the surgeon will close all the incisions by stitching them to complete the arm lift surgery.

Benefits of Arm lift Surgery:

Following are the numerous advantages of undergoing the Arm lift Surgery:

  1. It will enhance your overall appearance by making your arms tight and contoured.
  2. It has long lasting and natural results, as compared to other arm lift procedures.
  3. It will increase the clothing options for you.
  4. It’s a completely safe procedure and doesn’t cause any side effects, skin allergies and post-operative complications.
  5. It will boost up your confidence and self-esteem level.
  6. It has quick healing and recovery process.
  7. You would be able to have better proportioned body.
  8. It will make you graceful, beautiful and more magnificent than before.


If you want to safely tighten, contour your arms or want to permanently get rid of your sagging arms skin with natural, safe and long lasting results at an affordable price without suffering from side effects, botched results and post-procedural complications then feel free to consult the Dynamic Clinic to consider Arm Lift in Dubai, Abu Dhabi & Sharjah.

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